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Dr VarshaGanguly, Former Professor at Centre for Rural Studies, Lal Bahadur Shastri national Academy of Administration, Mussoorie. Her work as researcher, teacher and a trained communicator is largely on development and social issues. Her published works include 14 books, several research articles in national and international academic journals and in Gujarati magazines. These published works have explored less trodden paths on situation of the marginalised communities in India. She worked as editor of academic journals–Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences (2008 and 2011) and she was managing editor of international journal–Journal of Land and Rural Studies. While working with change agents, rights and social justice, people’s movements, land question, process of marginalisation, policy framing and change, and Gujarat are the major areas of her interests.


Snehasis Mishra is currently Technical Consultant, Centre for Rural Studies, Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration, Mussoorie. He has written research papers and co-authored state-report on Land Records practices and implementation of NLRMP. He has co-edited a bookentitles Conclusive Land Titling (2015). He has participated and organised seminars on land records and land titling related issues. His areas of interests cover e-governance, land records management, watershed management.

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